How to build an audience on Twitter (without getting lucky)

Learn how to 10x your Twitter growth without luck: audience, value proposition, profile optimization, growth hacks, content & engagement strategies.

How to build an audience on Twitter (without getting lucky)

Know Your Audience

Before diving into growth strategies and tactics, it's crucial to start with your target audience and how you can best serve them.

  • Who are they?
  • How do they use Twitter?
  • When are they most active?
  • What interests them the most?

To truly connect with your audience, you need to take the time to get to know them.

Identify Your Value Proposition

Your value proposition is what sets you apart from others on Twitter.

  • Why should people follow you?
  • Why should they care?
  • What value do you have to offer?

It's important to be clear on why you want to grow your audience and/or engagement, and how you can deliver value to them.

Optimize Your Profile

Think of your bio as a sales pitch aimed at people in your target audience.

What words or phrases are aligned with your brand but also signal to your audience that you would be a great addition to their network on Twitter?

Be concise, clear, and on-brand. And don't forget about your pinned tweet.

Use it to showcase your best piece of evergreen content that provides a ton of value. This is your chance to make a lasting impression.

Growth Hacks

One of the most effective growth hacks on Twitter is reverse engineering content and target profiles using the search bar.

Simply type in relevant keywords, like "entrepreneur", to find similar profiles and build relationships by joining the conversation. Another hack that works well is the "billboard strategy".

Find content with high engagement and place your "Billboard Tweet" underneath it to gain visibility.

These strategies can help you reach more people and grow your audience.

Content Strategy

Your content strategy should be tailored to your brand, value proposition, and target audience.

This could mean sharing daily insights about the benefits of a product you offer, or sharing your journey as an entrepreneur and your learnings.

Experiment with different types of content and ask for feedback to find what resonates best with your audience.

Consistency is Key

There's no secret number of tweets per day that will help your account grow. But consistency and high-quality content are vital for your success.

Aim for at least 3 tweets per day, then scale up or down once it becomes a habit.

Drive Sales with Social Selling

Social selling is one of the most efficient ways to generate leads on Twitter. This means developing relationships at scale using social networks.

Some tactics that work well include building in public, generating social proof, and offering time-constrained deals.

By connecting with your audience and delivering value, you can turn Twitter into a powerful sales tool.

Develop Your Engagement Strategy

A major part of your growth on Twitter will come from how active you are on the platform.

But it's not about being active for hours on end. Instead, be strategic with your time and the types of comments you make.

Spend 15-30 minutes spread throughout the day engaging with your audience and other relevant accounts.

By building relationships and adding value to the conversation, you can establish yourself as an authority in your niche and attract more followers.